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 2 j\1 x 22 2C1,2* 1. 2v 3 H s 2  410125 2. 2 8 v’  2  410125 摘  要   Illumina MiSeq 2500  2 œˆ1Œ“ SJ11–3a06g19–1–1–1„ 1Z  b Ž  -r › 3› i†M1 3sr › 16S rRNAy V3V4 u„‡ ITS1ua“Ÿ ”[ 3 • ‹bTV  œˆ -r › [M™ „   ] 0 5 a„0 „†  ]‡  œˆ -r ›   ‡ F“  œˆr › a‡ M • ‹ 3 Mr › AceaChao„ Shannon ” 9F9–sY 25.2625.49a24.5124.87„ 8.289.557‡  Shannon  ”‚]† Simpson ”9v9– 78.45275.69 œˆr › „‡  Ts † OTU ”„ ˜9 M OTU  ”  - A 69– 28.73r › OTU ˜ Ah  ‡ OTU ”M ˜M1 vhŸ‡ Mv–9Fb 关 键  词  œˆ r ›  3“Ÿ 中图分类号  S641.3; Q938.13 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1007−1032201802−0151−06 Effects of pepper cultivation on the microbial diversity of rhizosphere soil KANG Linyu1 LIU Zhoubin1 OU Lijun2 TONG Hui2 PENG Ying2 YUAN Zuhua1,2* 1.Longping Branch, Graduate School of Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410125, China; 2.Vegetable Institution, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Science, Changsha, Hunan 410125, China Abstract Two pepper inbred lines, ‘SJ11–3’, ‘06g19–1–1–1’, and a local variety ‘Zhangshu gang’ were used as materials, also using the Illumina MiSeq 2500 sequencing plat to sequencing the 16S rRNA gene V3 V4 regions of bacteria and ITS1 region of fungal, in the rhizosphere soil before and after pepper planting. And combining the bioinatics to analyze the richness, diversity index and community structure of the soil microorganism. The results showed that both Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria were the dominant bacteria in the soil before and after pepper cultivation. Ascomycota, Basidiomycotina and Fusarium were the dominant fungi. The bacteria species in the soil before and after the planting were more abundant and more diversified than the fungi. The relative abundance and community structure of soil bacteria and fungi had changed after pepper planting. The Ace, Chao and Shannon index of soil bacteria was increased,25.26 – 25.49, 24.51 – 24.87 and 8.28 – 24.87 respectively after pepper planting. The Simpson index of fungi was increased by 78.45 – 78.45, also Shannon index had a different degree of reduce after pepper planting. The number and types of OTU in soil were also changed after pepper planting, the specific OTU type in soil was reduced, while the number of bacteria OTU was significantly increased 28.73 after pepper planting. The effect of variety difference on OTU type of fungi was greater than that of bacteria, and the relative abundance of pathogenic fungi was significantly increased. Keywords pepper; rhizosphere soil; microbial diversity 收稿日期  2017–06–23 修回日期  2017–09–13 基金项目 SE S/9[ “ 2014BAD05B04 作者简介  B  1993i om  V 31V Y 3a8T  *YT€C1V Y v’ 3 3s0 3 152  2 jr ›V “ ˜ ”_ “‡ ˜ ”r ›b k œˆ -r › AceaChao „ Shannon  ” A‡  ”7 Simpson  ”5A‡ bƒV œˆ -r ›  ‡ F“ ‹r B “ ˜ ”r ›b] H œˆ A 6“Ÿ9 9F7‡  AM fƒ/ “Ÿ †b ƒ CARTWRIGHT[13]„ FIERER [14]r › 3“Ÿ• ‹“ŸžM1TBb/ƒMy V  -r › œˆ œˆ 3 • ‹ 3 •Yb  kr › „‡  OTU ” “ Ace „ Chao  ”M pBŒ „‡ OTU ˜ is „‡  OTU ˜ –]9 OTU ˜v†sŒ-r ›c  OTU ˜7 œˆr › OTU ˜ Ah  O‚] W‡ OTU ˜s {v bƒV œˆr › 3 •F 3  AMbƒM V ‚]  œˆ 3V 3“s r › 3•Y[15–16]9V r › 3YVM“s s ŸW e   3 „ ” [17–18]bœˆ“s sr ›‡ ‹WM ™u /   ‹‡ v–4[19–20]b k  œˆ ‹a ‹„ ‚ ‹hŸ‡ v–9Fb - [21]9V  ‹„  ‹ ‡ Ÿh] ]h 7 ]h •8v 9K  3„h .  yN œˆ – Pr › F “ ˜ ”r ›Œ]H/‡ “Ÿh  Ov–9FhŸ‡ Mb 参考文献 [1] k ˆ WyZ 2P‡r › 3r ›y01“ [J] {T 2010 314530–535. [2] f   w Ÿ r m 3 u‚] ˜r › 3Ÿ [J]‹ 3  2010211 165–173. [3]  W ”„  Ž 3Š ˜‚]| O r › Ÿas„ 3M1Ÿ [J]S 3 j S; ‚] ZE  3 ŸrT•Y [J] J S 2013 3414346–350 [12]  ŸF/ Œ [D]„ Sv 2008 [13]     71o/ Œ [D]s„ j v 2015 [14]  f   4 š’ 7‹ [J] 7F 2010 103 30–32 [15]    f’ ‚] Z T  O  •Y [J] J  Ÿ Ÿs FŸ•Y [J] a1v 2011 322172–175 [22] ˜ v’  7/ Œ‹[D]s„ j v 2013 [23] r 6r B   TŸ •Y [J] J S 2012 3316 314–317 [24]   ‡ b „Ÿs’ •Y [J]L jk † W j Z TŸ]’ M•Y [J] 7 20054 32–34 [26] “ bBW   •Y [J]  j  ” . „ T r › 3“Ÿ•Y [J].S 3 j 2015 232 225–232. [13] CARTWRIGHT J DZANTOR E K MOMEN B Soil microbial community profiles and functional diversity in limestone cedar glades[J] Catena 2016 147 216–224. [14] FIERER N JACKSON R B. The diversity and biogeography of soil bacterial communities[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2006 1033 626–631. [15] †’uM S L œˆ‚] 3 “s Fss [J] j 2012 218175–181. [16] BRENNAN E B ACOSTA–MARTINEZ V Cover cropping frequency is the main driver of soil microbial changes during six years of organic vegetable production[J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2017 109188–204. [17] MARSCHNER P CROWLEY D E HIGASHI R M Root exudation and physiological status of a root–colonizing fluorescent pseudomonad in mycorrhizal and non– mycorrhizal pepper Capsicum annuum L.[J] Plant and Soil1997 1891 11–20. [18]    _  “s / –r›– 3T1“ZZ [J] 3 2014 383 298–310. [19] CHAPARRO J M BADRI D V VIVANCO J M. Rhizosphere microbiome assemblage is affected by plant development[J] The ISME Journal 2014 84 790–803. [20] Z d„‚1S K 3 • ‹  M [J]r › 2005 423488–494. [21] qf0z{h‡ s k [J]S S 20145 84–88 责任编辑毛友纯 英文编辑雷东阳


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