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pGoals and Key Technology of Fertilizer-pesticide“Double Reduction“ and Synergism forGreenhouse StrawberryJianhua WANG1, Wei CHENG2, Jie WU1, Muxiang JI1*1. Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Hilly Area of Jiangsu Province, Jurong 212400, China;2. Shanghai Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center, Minhang 201103, ChinaSupported by Demonstration and Promotion Project of Shanghai Municipal Committeeof Agriculture [HNKT20152-7]; Jiangsu Agricultural “Three New Engineering“ Project[SXGC 2017208]; Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Fund [CX151029].*Corresponding author. E-mail Received August 21, 2017 Accepted October 23, 2017AAgricultural Science nbsp;Green development; “Double reduction“ andsynergism; Technology target; Key technology大 棚草莓化肥和农药 “双减 ”增效技术目标与关键技术王 建华1,成 玮2,邬 劼1,吉 沐祥1*(1.江 苏丘陵地 区 镇 江 农 业 科 学 研 究 所 , 江 苏 句 容212400;2.上 海市农技推广服务中心 ,上海闵行 201103)摘 要 为发展绿色食品草莓 , 减少化学肥料 和农 药使 用 ,实 现 “双 减 ”增 效 ,提 高 安 全品 质 ,保 护 生 态 环 境 ,促 进 草 莓 产 业 健 康 稳定发展 。 笔者针对目前草莓生产实际 ,结合国内外新技术成果 ,总结出大棚草莓化肥和农药 “双减 ”增效技术目标与关键技术 ,确立了技术目标 ,关键技术包括培育健康无病壮苗技术 , 土壤改良和连作障碍处理技术 ,农业 生 态 防 治 技 术 ,理 化 诱 杀 害 虫 技 术 ,生 物防治技术 ,低残留风险化学防治技术等六项技术 。关键词 大棚草莓 ;绿色发展 ;“双减 ”增效 ;技术目标 ;关键技术基 金项目 上 海 市 农 委 示 范 推 广 计 划 项 目“草莓病虫害绿色防控技术集成示范 ”[沪 农科推字 (2015)第 2-7 号 ];江 苏省农业三新工程项目 “草莓病虫害绿色防控技术集成与推广 ”[SXGC〔2017〕208];江 苏省农业科技自主创新项目 “江苏丘陵草莓产业链技术集成创新与示范 ”[CX(15)1029]。作者简 介 王 建华 (1977-),男 ,江苏宝应人 ,助理研究员 ,主要从事农业科技服务和果蔬农 药 化 肥 减 量 增 效 技 术 研 究 ,E-。 * 通 讯 作 者 , 吉 沐 祥(1963-),男 ,江苏宝应人 ,研究员 ,主要从事果 树 植 保 与 农 药 开 发 应 用 研 究 ,E-。收稿日 期 2017-08-21修回日期 2017-10-23DOI10.16175/ki.1009-4229.2017.11.0222017AgriculturalScience the soil continuouscropping obstacle is effectively con-trolled, and the soil acidification andsalinization and blight incidence aregreatly reduced.In addition to agricultural control,ecological regulation, physical mea-sures and biological control, auxiliaryhigh-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residual risk chemical pesticides arealso used in disease and pest control.During the whole growth period, bio-logical and low-toxicity and low-residu-al risk pesticides are applied 6-8 timesin greenhouse. Instead, conventionalpesticides need to be applied 12 -15times. Thus, the use of chemical pesti-cides is reduced by about 50. Theoverall control efficacy of pests anddiseases reaches about 90, and thetotal loss of disease and pest damageis controlled below 10. In the seed-ling and harvest period, anthracnose,gray mold, powdery mildew, blight,aphids, thrips, red spiders andSpodoptera litura do not cause moreserious loss to strawberry production.The rate of strawberry fruit with chemi-cal pesticide residues below relevantstandards reaches 100, meeting therequirement for A-level green food.The yield of high-quality greenhousestrawberry fruit is up to 22 500-30 000kg/hm2, increased by 20-30.In addition, the elimination of risksin strawberry fruit consumption safetyboosts consumers’ confidence, meetsconsumers’ demand and reduces en-vironmental pollution, promoting thestabilization of strawberry production,the improvement of strawberry pro-duction competitiveness and the cre-ation of green band.Key TechnologyHealthy seedling cultivating tech-niqueStandards for healthy seedlingThe standards for first-levelseedlings are as follows primary rootnumber is more than 5; primary rootlength is more than 7 cm; roots areneat and stretched; adult leaf numberis more than 4; leaves and their peti-oles have normal color; and centralbuds are full.The standards for second-levelseedlings are as follows primary rootnumber is more than 3; primary rootlength is more than 5 cm; new stemthickness is more than 0.8 cm; rootsare neat and stretched; adult leafnumber is more than 3; leaves andtheir petioles have normal color; andcentral buds are full.Seedling propagation techniqueSelection of disease-free seed-lings Mother seedlings are requiredto have robust growth, normally-spread new leaves, structure-completeleaflets, dark green leaf color, longerpetioles, larger leaves, but no pestsand diseases and flowers and fruit[6].In order to obtained healthy seedlings,disease-free seedlings are sterilized orpathogen-free substrate and trays areemployed in seedling nursery. At thesame time, roots of seedlings aretreated with Bacillus subtilis, Tricho-derma, fludioxonil and pyraclostrobinto ensure they do not carry pathogens.Transplanting is carried out from earlyand middle March to early April, at adensity of 12 000-18 000 plants/hm2.Selection of pathogen-free fieldRice-wheat rape rotated field or hightemperature-sterilized field is selectedas nursery field, which needs to be farfrom strawberry planting area. If con-ditions permit, shelter nursery, shadenursery or tray nursery can be adoptedto greatly reduce the incidence of dis-eases[7].Wetness management Deep-ditchand narrow-plot mode is used. Thewidth of plots is 1.2 m. The width anddepth of ditches are 0.3 and 0.3 m. Ifthe length of plots is more than 40 m, aditch should be dug in the middle. Inthe growth period of young seedlings,the soil should be kept moist, insteadof dry or flooded. If it is dry, ditch irri-gation best drip irrigation and infiltra-tion irrigation can be carried out in theevening, and flood irrigation is avoided.Balanced fertilization Fertilizers canbe applied in more times with smallamount for each, and calcium and sili-con fertilizers can be increased appro-priately to enhance plant resistance topests and diseases. In the early peri-od, fermented manure or cake andcompound fertilizer can be increasedappropriately, and partial nitrogen fer-tilizer is not needed. In high tempera-ture and late period, nitrogen fertilizeris avoided.Reasonable regulation In the earlyperiod, appropriate amounts of gib-berellin,vitacatgibberellinheteroaux-inbrassinolide 0.136 WP, brassi-nolide can be applied, accompaniedby appropriate amounts of compoundfertilizer and humic acid to promotegrowth and accelerate the occurrenceof stolons. In the middle and late peri-od the basic seedling number reach-2114AgriculturalScienceand spinetoram, matrine, azadirachtinand pymetrozine can be used to con-trol thrips and aphids. Considering un-derground pests e.g. cutworms, grubsand mole crickets, artificial capturecan be conducted in early morning, orplacing bait 90 trichlorfon crystal∶water∶sauted vegetable cake 1∶3∶30between plant rows or near plant rhi-zosphere in evening in the high-inci-dence season of larvae.Chemical control and artificialweeding Before the transplanting ofstrawberry seedlings or before theemergence of weeds, appropriateconcentration of pendimethalin, bu-tachlor or other pre-emergent herbi-cides can be sprayed evenly to theplots, avoiding strawberry plants as faras possible. Appropriate humidity ismaintained in field. For emergedgramineous weeds, such as Alopecu-rus japonicus, barnyard grass, Setariaviridis and Sclerochloa dura, fluazifop-p-butyl can be sprayed evenly duringthe 3- to 5-leaf stages, accompaniedby artificial weeding.Promoting flower bud differentia-tion From early August on, the appli-cation amount of nitrogen fertilizer iscontrolled, and the application amo-unts of phosphorus and potassiumfertilizers or potassium dihydrogenphosphate are increased appropriate-ly; and the temperature inside green-house is decreased to promote differ-entiation. The phosphorus and potas-sium fertilizers are sprayed twice aweek in early August, accompanied byremoving old leaves, temporary plant-ing, cutting off roots and shading topromote flower bud differentiation.Soil improvement and continuouscropping obstacle treatment tech-niqueSolar disinfection of greenhouse insummer fallow periodIn the continuous cropping field ofstrawberry, strawberry plants, as wellas ground coverings such as black filmshould be removed immediately afterharvest. In early July, glume-removedrice bran 4 500-7 500 kg/hm2 or limenitrogen 900-1 500 kg/hm2 is sprin-kled on the field, accompanied by arti-ficial or mechanical application of live-stock and poultry manure and mush-room residue or vinegar residue orcrop straw and other organic matter30 000-45 000 kg/hm2. The groundinside greenhouse is covered with oldfilm, and the greenhouse is also sur-rounded by film, of which the bottommargin is buried in soil to prevent airfrom entering. The soil in greenhouseis moistened, and its temperature ismaintained between 50-60 ℃ for 25-30 d to kill pathogens. In early August,the film on the ground is removed assoon as possible[11].Balancing fertilization and increas-ing bacterial manure applicationOn the basis of solar disinfection,1 800-2 400 kg/hm2of bio-bacterialfertilizer ≧ 200 million CFU/g Bacillussubtilis and other complex bacteria,organic matter ≧ 60, 1 500-2 250kg/hm2of bio-fermented cake fertilizerand 450 -750 kg/hm2of calcium su-perphosphate can be applied beforetillage and ridging half month beforethe transplanting of strawberry plantsaccording to the fertility level of thesoil. From the adaptation period toflowering period, 45-75 kg/hm2of hu-mid acid or potassium fulvate ormacro element fertilizer can be appliedonce every 20-30 days along with dripirrigation. Before the covering ofground film, bio-bacterial fertilizer andcompound fertilizer can be applied byripping. At the same time, amino acidscan be sprayed around strawberryroots and active calcium fertilizer canbe sprayed to strawberry leaves.Agricultural ecological preventiontechniqueReasonable planting density andplant managementThe strawberry cultivars of Redcheek, Zhangji and Ningyu can be se-lected and cultivated in slight highridges at density of 75 000 -90 000plants/hm2. During the growth period,senescent base leaves, weak leavesand diseased fruit should be removedtimely; sick stolons and plants shouldbe cut off pulled out timely; and rot-ten branches and leaves on the mar-gin of the field should be removed andburned outside greenhouse.Controlling humidityDitches should be dug around thegreenhouse. No-dip anti-fogging high-transmittance film is selected. Thegreenhouse is kept clean and ventilat-ed. After rain, the greenhouse isdrained and ventilated timely to reducethe humidity. Before the emergence ofbuds, the plots are covered with silverblack or white-black film, and theditches inside the greenhouse are laidwith gardening cloth or disease-freestraw. Water-fertilizer integrated dripirrigation is used to supplement waterand fertilizer.Stifling greenhouseIn the blooming and fruit-bearing21152017AgriculturalSciencesoil pH and total salt content declinedyear by year, suggesting that afteryears of fertilization and rotation, thesoil quality has been well improved.References[1] SHE XY, XIE YS, HAO MD, et al. Effectof long-term fertilization on wheat yieldand nutrient balance in dryland of theLoess Plateau[J]. Agricultural Researchin the Arid Areas, 2009, 276 27-32.[2] DANGTH,GAOCQ,PENGL,etal.Long-term rotation and fertilizer experimentsin Changwu rain fed highland [J]. Re-search of Soil and Water Conservation,2003, 101 -61-65.[3] LI YS, ZHANG XZ, GUO MH. 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