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pBreedingofaNewWatermelonVarietyMibaoNo.1Yanfeng LENG, Xingsheng LI, Xiaowei YUAN*Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Cucurbitaceae Vegetable Biological Breeding/Shandong Huasheng Agriculture Limited Lia-bility Company, Qingzhou 262500, ChinaAgricultural Science nbsp;ShandongProvincial Key Laboratory Construction Project.*Corresponding author. E-mail yuanxiaowei-Received October 27, 2017 Accepted December 10, 2017AWith the improvement of peo-ple’s living standards, con-sumers’ requirements forwatermelon quality have been gradu-ally raised, so breeding has also fo-cused on quality, in addition to yield.According to the current watermelonproduction and consumers’ spendinghabits, cold resistance, high yield,crisp flesh, high sugar content, goodtaste and storage and transportationresistance have been listed as thebreeding goals. With inbred linesHSWM089 as the female parent andHSWM130 as the male parent, a newwatermelon variety was bred, and itpered well in 15 experimentalpoints across China.Breeding ProcessThe breeding process of the fe-male parent HSWM089 is as follows.In April 2011, total 200 plants ofWM1102 were planted in the breedingbase of Qingzhou City, ShandongProvince. In accordance with the crite-ria for pedigree selection, 30 individualplants were selected, i.e., S1. FromAugust 2011 to November 2012, S6was obtained through continuousbreeding in the bases in Qingzhou,Shandong and Hainan. Up to thattime, the characters were stable andconsistent. The plants had mediumgrowth, shorter internodes, strong coldresistance, round fruit, tough darkgreenpeel,toughredfleshandstorageandtransportationresistance.Thecen-tral sugar content was 11-12, andthe single fruit weight was about 8 kg.The breeding process of the maleparent HSWM130 is as follows. InApril 2012, total 200 plants of WM809were planted in the breeding base inQingzhou, Shandong. In line with thecriteria for pedigree selection, 30 indi-vidual plants were selected, i.e., S1.During August 2012-November 2013,S6 was obtained through continuouspropagation in the bases in Qingzhou,Shandong and Hainan. Up to thattime, the traits were stable and consis-tent. The plants had vigorous growth,cold resistance, oval fruit, tough darkgreen peel, crisp red flesh, excellenttaste and storage and transportationresistance. The central soluble sugarcontent was 12-13, and the aver-age single fruit weight was about 9 kg.In November 2013, a hybridization testwas conducted between HSWM089and HSWM130 in the Huasheng farmin Hainan. In May 2014, the combina-tion of HSWM089 HSWM130 wascompared with other 65 combinationsin the breeding station in Qingzhou,Abstract Mibao No.1 HSWM089 ♀ HSWM130 ♂ is a new medium-maturingwatermelon variety with fruit development period of 35 d and whole growth periodof 103 d. It is easy to bear fruits with resistance to low temperature. The fruits ofMibao No.1 are spherical with dark green rind, wide strips and red, crisp and juicyflesh, characterized with delicious taste and good quality. The central sugar contentof Mibao No.1 is 12. Its rind is so tough that it is suitable for transportation. Theaverage fruit weight is about 8-10 kg and the yield is about 5 000 kg per 667 m2.The series of experiments have demonstrated that Mibao No.1 is adapted to culti-vation in protected area and open field.Key words Watermelon; Mibao No.1; Cold resistance; High yield西 瓜 新品种 “蜜宝一号 ”的选育冷 言 峰 ,李兴盛 ,袁晓伟*(山东 省葫芦科蔬菜生物育种重点实验室 /山 东 省华盛农业股份有限公司 ,山东青州 262500)摘 要 “蜜 宝一号 ”是以自交系 HSWM089 为母 本 , 自 交系 HSWM130 为 父 本杂交育成的西瓜新品种一代杂交种 。 中熟 ,果实发育期 35 d,全 生 育期 103 d;耐 低 温 、易坐果 ,果实高圆形 ,果皮深绿色 ,宽条带 ,果肉红色 、脆硬 、多汁 ,口感佳 、品质优 ,中心可溶性固形物含量 12;果皮 韧 、耐 运输 ;单瓜质量 8-10 kg,667 m2产量5 000 kg 左 右 。 经 过多次试种试验 ,发现该品种适合保护地和露地栽培 。关键词 西 瓜 ;“蜜 宝一号 ”;耐低 温 ;高 产基金项 目 泰 山 学者种业人才支撑团队计划设施蔬菜突破型新品种的选育 ;山东省重点实验室建设项目 “山东省葫芦科蔬菜生物育种重点实验室建设项目 ”。作者简 介 冷 言 峰 (1980-),男 ,山 东青州人 ,硕士 ,农艺师 ,研究方向为西甜瓜遗传育种 ,E-mail lengyanfenghuasheng-。 * 通讯 作 者 ,博士 ,农艺师 ,研究方向为蔬菜生物育种 ,E-mail yuanxiaowei-。收稿日 期 2017-10-27修回日期 2017-12-10DOI10.16175/ki.1009-4229.2017.12.0282017AgriculturalScience the seedlingswere transplanted to arch shed; three-vine pruning was carried out; the sec-ond inflorescence was selected forpollination; and one fruit was kept ineach plant. There were 40 plants ineach plot, the plant and row spacingwas 35 cm220 cm. The control vari-ety was Angda Tianwang. As shown inTable 2, under the conditions of equiv-alent growth period and central solublesugar content, Mibao No.1 showedstronger cold resistance, more vigor-ous growth, higher fruit setting rateby5, higher commodity rate by 5,higher yieldby 13.1, 4 661.8 kg/667m2 compared with the control variety.Production demonstration testsThe production demonstrationtests of Mibao No.1 were conducted inTanfang of Qingzhou and Yaogou ofChangle in Shandong, Xinmin inLiaoning, Dali in Shaanxi, Dangshan inAnhui and Jinghong and Dehong inYunnan, with Angda Tianwang as thecontrol variety. In the er five testsites, greenhouse grafting and cultiva-tion was selected; and in the later twosites, open field grafting and cultivationwas selected, with pumpkin rootstockfor grafting. The plant and row spacingwas 35 cm220 cm. Three-vine prun-ing was adopted, and one fruit was re-tained in each plant. As shown inTable 3, under the conditions of equiv-alent growth period and soluble sugarcontent, the cold resistance, fruit set-ting rate, commodity rate, yield, aver-age single fruit weight 8.6 kg, aver-age yield above 4 800 kg/667 m2 andadaptability of Mibao No.1 were signif-icantly improved compared with thoseof the control variety. Mibao No.1 wassuitable for cultivation in protectedarea and open field.Variety CharacteristicsMibao No.1 is a medium-late-maturing watermelon variety, charac-terized with high quality, cracking re-sistance, high yield, storage andtransportation resistance and goodTable 1 Results of variety comparison testIndex Mibao No.1 Angda Tianwang CKWhole growth period∥d 100 101Cold resistance Strong MediumGrowth potential Strong MediumFruit setting rate∥ 100 98Fruit shape Tall round Tall roundFruit appearance Dark green Dark greenSingle fruit weight∥kg 8.9 7.6Flesh color Red RedFlesh texture Crisp CrispPeel toughness Strong StrongCommodity rate∥ 98.5 96.7Central soluble sugar content∥ 12.4 12.5Yield∥kg/667 m24 778.6 4 368.4Compared with control∥ 9.4Table 2 Results of variety regional trialsIndex Mibao No.1 Angda Tianwang CKWhole growth period∥d 105 105Cold resistance Strong MediumGrowth potential Strong MediumFruit setting rate∥ 100 95Single fruit weight∥kg 8.8 7.9Commodity rate∥ 97.5 92.5Central soluble sugar content∥ 12.3 12.3Yield∥kg/667 m24 661.8 4 122.9Compared with control∥ 13.12318AgriculturalScienceamp;Technology2017Responsible editor Na LI Responsible proofreader Xiaoyan WUResponsible editor Tingting XU Responsible proofreader Xiaoyan WUcomprehensive character. The fruitdevelopment period was about 35 d,and the whole growth period wasabout 103 d. The plants of Mibao No.1had stronger growth, earlier emer-gence of female flowers, low tempera-ture resistance, easy fruit bearing andhigh commodity rate. The fruit ofMibao No.1 are spherical with darkgreen bottom, wide dark green stripes,high-concentration wax powder, crispred flesh and good taste. The singlefruit weight of Mibao No.1 was 8-10 kg.The central soluble sugar content wasabove 12, and the difference in solu-ble sugar content between the centerand margin was small. The averageyield of Mibao No.1 was nearly 5 000kg/667 m2.Key Points of CultivationTechniquesMibao No.1 was suitable for culti-vation in protected area in early springand late autumn and open field, andgrafting cultivation was recommended.For different regions and different cul-tivation s, the transplantingdensity of Mibao No.1 ranged from 600to 800 plants/667 m2. Two-or three-vine pruning could be adopted, andone fruit was kept for each plant. Interms of water and fertilizer manage-ment, more attention should be paid torational application of nitrogen, phos-phorus and potassium fertilizers andsufficient application of base fertilizer.The combination of organic compostand appropriate amount of chemicalfertilizer was more favorable.Table 3 Comparisons of traits between Mibao No.1 and the control variety in production testsTest site VarietyWholegrowthperiod∥dColdresistanceFruitsettingrate∥Singlefruitweight∥kgCommodityrate∥Solublesugarcontent∥Yieldkg/667 m2Increase inyield com-pared withcontrol∥Qingzhou, ShandongMibao No.1 102 Strong 99.8 8.8 96.5 11.8 4 867.5 14.9Angda Tianwang CK 101 Stronger 96.2 7.9 95.2 12.0 4 236.2Changle, Shandong Mibao No.1 105 Strong 99.5 8.6 95.8 11.9 4 805.6 14.5Angda Tianwang CK 105 Stronger 95.8 7.5 95.3 11.8 4 195.3Xinmin, Liaoning Mibao No.1 104 Strong 99.6 8.7 96.1 12.1 4 912.8 13.6Angda Tianwang CK 103 Stronger 95.3 7.8 95.6 12.2 4 324.6Dali, Shaanxi Mibao No.1 104 Strong 99.4 8.6 97.2 12.3 4 896.4 11.8Angda Tianwang CK 104 Stronger 96.2 7.8 95.8 12.4 4 379.1Dangshan, Anhui Mibao No.1 102 Strong 99.6 8.8 96.5 12.2 4 986.4 13.3Angda Tianwang CK 101 Stronger 96.3 8.1 95.1 12.4 4 401.8Jinghong, Yunnan Mibao No.1 101 Strong 99.3 7.9 95.3 12.5 4 663.6 10.4Angda Tianwang CK 101 Stronger 97.8 7.1 94.1 12.5 4 225.7Dehong, Yunnan Mibao No.1 102 Strong 99.6 8.0 94.9 12.4 4 698.1 10.4Angda Tianwang CK 101 Stronger 97.7 7.3 94.1 12.5 4 225.2Mean Mibao No.1 103 Strong 99.5 8.5 96.0 12.2 4 832.9 12.7Angda Tianwang CK 102 Stronger 96.5 7.6 95.0 12.3 4 288.3Continued from page 2316∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥cholesterol content and lipidmetabolism of egg chicken 苜 蓿 皂苷对蛋鸡胆固醇含量及脂质代谢的影响 [J]. 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