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l 2003-03-10 T€e孙治强1956-,男,教授.[ “河南省重大科技攻关项目012201220 ‹K  I N 31“孙治强,李胜利,张艳玲河南农业大学林学园艺学院,河南郑州 450002K1 [V  ∶V F∶V 6∶2∶2 I N H,‹K   31“.TV ,‹、„‹T 3•Y v, kS , 3 ‹ 9F79F,L1“, S U 2.4 kgm-3,V29.5 kgm -3 HrKv.‹T 39\r‹,Œ 3r‹ | ‹ .‹ H, 3  9F7h ;‹ H, 35\T.K  3 •Y,  B“ ” ‚A.yN,[ I N H, V‹†gA9}› †A.1oM  ;I N; ; gms |S641.2 DS M ’A cI|1001-411X 200401-0025-04Relationship between N,P and K application and the growth oftomato seedling sowed in the sawdust-rich substratesSUN Zhi-qiang ,LI Sheng-li, ZHANG Yan-lingCollege of Forestry and Horticulture ,Henan Agric.Univ., Zhengzhou 450002, ChinaAbstractThe relationship between N,P and K application and the growth of tomato seedling sowed in the sub-strates with Vsawdust∶Vvermiculate∶Vfly-ash6∶2∶2 was studied.The results showed that thegrowth of tomato seedling were greatly affected by N , P and N P.Within the test levels, all the growth pa-rameters of tomato seedling increased linearly with the increased application of N and P.The maximum valuesof these parameters were obtained at CONH222.4 kgm-3[ CaH2PO42H2OCaSO4H2O] 29.5kgm-3.NP also promoted the growth of tomato seedling , but the effects of P on tomato seedling growthwere based on the level of N application.At low N level, P weakened the growth of tomato seedlings, while athigh N level, P promoted the seedlings growth.K had no significant effects on tomato seedlings growth and thepartial regression coefficients between them were insignificance .So in this substrates, complete nutrients canbe substituted by N and P nutrients.Key wordssawdust;tomato ;seedling substrates;fertilizing v’ / Œ,M.d Z T„F S  “ 8“Z, 1il. v’A rTZEXBt[ 1, 2] .ŒA i、‚ T Œ.yN,eL› gZE ]A›. [BtŸ z H,‚A9,|Bg    ,  gA,[ b 9]“ | z rT,] H Vvv†/ Œ 4„ 3[ 3, 4] .aZ[ 5][V∶V F7∶3T,3’ N、P、KKD › .Œ[ 6][V ∶V Š 3∶1, N、P ™ S•Y.Œ‚],  Ÿs“v, 1 pgA –i“vY. k [  I N  ,› g  k,[  ‹K  I N 31“, v’ 34 ‚G .25 1 2004 M1 2 j E_‚A.B“ ”›F,T“‹BQ[A“,  [ ‚A. ,‹ •YI N K1y , kS ‹g  L1“.2.2 I N Y、 „ ‹K1“Y‹K   /1“ TY2 1.879 0.246X1 0.069X2 0.019X3 -0.031X12 0.004X22 0.018X32 0.120X1X2 -0.008X1X3 -0.048X2X3 . 2 ‹K   /1“ TY3 10.205 0.658X1 0.173X2 0.006X3 -0.090X12 -0.037X22 0.011X32 0.210X1X2 -0.015X1X3 -0.018X2X3 . 3  ‹K   /1“ TY4 123.095 44.191X1 9.403X2 -0.150X3 -5.599X12 -1.675X22 0.588X32 13.500X1X2 -1.450X1X3 -1.300X2X3 . 4Z2、3„4F_ rA , E_‚A, ‡ LQ‹‹K  Y、 „ 1“.B“ ”›F,T‹BQ[„‹T[A,BQ[A.ƒ ,,‹、 TI N Y、 „   v•Y. kS , Y、 „ ‹„  žM1, O[LŸ1“.sY[‹I ’T•Yy0 ‹T 3• ”r‹,TV ,I N Y„  ‹„ 9F79F,BS V[9F  .‹T Y、„ 989žr‹,Œ 3•Y | ‹ m1、2.‹ H, 、 „ ]T,  9F,Y、 „ v†;7‹ /, €5  9F79F, O •YvY„ .KDF† CI ’1.682 H U 2.4kgm-3 ,V29.5 kgm-3.2.3 I N 7 ‹K1“ 7 ‹K   /1“ Tm1 ‹T Y•YFig .1 The effects of NP on seedlings stem diameterY5 1.285 0.480X1 0.110X2 0.005X3 -0.033X12 -0.028X22 0.002X32 0.153X1X2 -0.010X1X3 -0.013X2X3 . 5Z5F_rA , E_‚A.B“ ”›F,T‹、BQ[‹T[ A, ‹、 T 7  “v•Y. kS ,‹、 7 LžM1,BS V[9F  .‹TB„sm3 V[ A,‹ /,7 ]T,  9F,7 /†,Œ‹ /,7 5  9F79F.‹I ’1.682 U 2.4 kg/m3、I ’1.682V29.5 kg/m3 HržKv.m2 ‹T  •YFig.2 The effects of NP on the seedlings dry mass271  E_‚A, Z6 ‡ LQ˜  ”‹K  1“.B“ ”›F_,T‹Q[„BQ[A,‹BQ[„‹TA.ƒ ,‹„  ”1•Y,7 O  ”‹  Q wL1“m4,‹ H  ”9F–†.  ”   L1“.‹T   ”•YY、7 „ M] t ].m4 ‹T   ”•YFig.4 The effiects of NP on the good seedlings index3  ‚V  ∶V F∶V 6∶2∶2,‹„  I N  3 v•Y. kS , 3 ‹ 9F79F, ‹c  ,v € ‹g„g,yN,[ H,1 j‹„ . 6Z,‹ B“ ” v„K B“ ”,K  B“ ” ‚A, ‹ 3•Yv„K,K  3•Y,ƒ V  K M ,7†cKrK 222 mg/kg  V[   31.V  ∶V F∶V 6∶2∶2†,‹、„‹TI N 3•YA. kS , 3 ‹„9FL9F.‹T 3\r‹,Œ‹ ‚], 3•Y9 ‚].‹ H, 3]T, 39F7h ;‹ H, 35 9F79F.K  3 •Y,  B“ ” ‚A. Ll,[ I N H, ‹†g‹†A Vrž   “. k g k H,CW10 d Hg „ 3T t_,yN1l1   H, gW ‚‹V10 d.• ID[ 1] k;. v’A [ J] .  j,1979,148-59.[ 2] k;, ’,yy . v’A [ J] .\,1982, 9337-43.[ 3] ’, .,“ ˆ,.†Hq/ N0 g [ J] .S v’, 1996,416-18.[ 4] i,  b, . NT v’  g [ J] .S v’, 1994,613-15.[ 5] aZ,  , ‰,.3’€ KDHq[ J] . j,1988,3391-97.[ 6] Œ, .‹、 ™ S•Y[ J] .Z\, 1995,423-25.[ 7] WORRAL R.Composting wood wastes for potting mixes[ J] .Australian Horticulture, 1985,9234-37.[ 8] BYRNE P J , BCARTY.Development in the measurements ofair-filled porosity of peat substrates[ J] .Acta Horticulturae,1989, 366257-264.[ 9]  7.r › jsZE[ M] . S,1983.25-68.【3 I 柴 焰】28  2 j  v    1 – S  25 


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