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21 9 R 3,. ; i- / Œ[ J].S v’, 1996, 5 18- 21.[8 ] f,3,ž. ; i •8• ” •8 • sƒs[ J]. j, 2003, 19 1 172-176.[9 ] , 4, ,. ; iHq/I N•- p[ J].l u j, 2004, 22 1 62- 65.[10 ] 2, ],  2,. iI N1 3Ÿ[ J]. jv, 2003, 22 4 395-398.[11 ] ,1 ,;,. i5  “d[ J]. v1 – S , 2004, 25 1 5- 8.[12 ],l,zt‚,. 2ZC} i1•-   E[ J]. 3 , 2004, 28 1 59-65.[13 ] , . iI N 3 ˜9  E“d[ J].S 3 j, 2004, 11 2 84- 88.Growth and development properties of cucumber under moderngreenhouse cultivationChen Chunhong , Xiang Bangyin 1. Instituteof Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Academyof Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai KeyLabof Protected Horticultural Technology, Shanghai 201106, China;2.Demonstration Station, Shanghai Dushi Green Engineering Co. ,Ltd. , Shanghai 201106, ChinaAbstract The g row th a nd dev elopm ent including the pho tosynthesis of the leaf, the develo pment of differento rgans, the accumulation a nd distribution of the dry matter, a nd the yield production of cucumber under m oder ng reenhouse were studied. It was fo und tha t, allocated with modern environment co ntrol facilities. Theg reenhouse can prov ide the best circum stances fo r the g row th a nd dev elo pment o f the cro p. The pho to sy nthesisra te of the leaf increased with the increase of radia tion until it reach ed 1500μmol m- 2 s- 1. The pho to sy nthesisra te o f the leaf increased with the development of the single leaf and decreased with the aging of the leaf. Underm odern g reenhouse cultiv ation, the dev elopment of th e cucumber o rg ans is very fa st, the av erage g row th ra te ofthe stem reached 8 cm /d, to gro w to a full leaf o nly need 10 day s, from flo w ering to harv est need 12 day s. Thedry matter accum ula tion o f the cucumber assumes a S curv e. In the distributio n of the dry m atter, the pro po rtio no f the root is less than 5 , the propor tion o f the stem maintained 10~ 15 , the pro po rtio n of the leav esreached 70 ~ 80 in the v eg etativ e g ro w th stage, a nd it decreased w ith the gro w th o f the fruits to 20 a t theend, after enter the productiv e stag e, the pro po rtion of the fruits increased g radually and it reached approximately70 in the end. The yield o f the cucumber under g reenhouse cultiv atio n is rather stable. The total yield of 8harvest w eek reached 12 kg /m2.Key words modern g reenhouse; cucumber; g row th and dev elo pm ent193 9 v˜ i 3Ÿ


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