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Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus andOrganic Substrate on the Molecular Diversity ofMicrobes in Sweet Pepper Rhizosphere underProtected CultivationChaoxing HE*, Linchuang WANG, Zhibin ZHANGInstitute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, ChinaSupported by the National Key Technology RTechnically Assisted by the Key Laboratory of Horticultural Genetic Improvement of theMinistry of Agriculture.*Corresponding author. E-mail Received December 12, 2011 Accepted April 8, 2012AAgricultural Science Organic soil substrate; Denaturing gradientgel electrophoresis; Microbial diversity; Sweet pepperSoil microorganisms are the keycomponent of soil. Act as thepromoters in transationand recycling of soil organic mattersand energy, soil microorganisms areinvolved in the decomposition of soilorganic matters, the ation of soilhumus and recycling soil nutrients.The structure and activities of soil mi-crobiota not only determine the fertilityand quality of soil, but also link to theproductivities of plants growing onthem[1]. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophore-sis PCR-DGGE is a novel molecular provides faster and more ac-curate analysis and comparison of mi-crobiota variation than the convention-al plate culture [2]. DGGE tech-nique can effectively separate DNAsequences with the same molecularweight but different base sequences.Researchers have investigated thestructure of soil microbiota using PCR-DGGE, for example, some studieshave been taken to understand theenvironmental, spatial and temporalvariation of bacterial populations[3].Protected vegetable cultivationand production has recently gainedrapid progress in China which stronglyguarantees the year-round vegetableprovidence. However, the protectedvegetable cultivation in China is facingsome constraints which affect the sus-tainable development of the industry,such as the low productivity, con-straints caused by the continuouscropping, imbalance in soil microbiota,soil secondary salinization, etc. Duringthe previous years, the application ofsome organic cultivation techniques inprotected vegetable production inte-grated with the straw and manure re-turning into the field. With these tech-niques, problems in protected cultiva-tion, e.g. soil crust, frequent epidemicof soil-borne diseases, continuouscropping constraints and undergroundwater pollution, are partly solved. Fur-thermore, these techniques can alsoimprove the quality of vegetables andsave the cost of production[4]. Othertechniques, such as inoculating veg-etable seedlings with some beneficialsymbiotic microorganism, integratedwith the organic protected cultivation,can increase the vegetable productivi-ty,improve the quality of the agro-products, and decrease the offertilizers and chemicals. Consequent-ly, they show their significance in envi-ronmental protection and improvementof economic value[5]. On this basis, thisstudy was designed to elucidate theeffects of these new techniques on thediversity of soil microbiota. The currentstudy was to investigate the moleculardiversity of soil microbiota in the sweetpepper following different soil treat-ments of arbuscular mycorrhizal fun-gus inoculation untreated soil as thecontrol. The results were used to un-derstand the variation of microbialstructure after application of organicmatters and arbuscular mycorrhizafungus.DOI10.16175/ki.1009-4229.2012.05.042AgriculturalScience however the number of clonesobtained was notably changed. Thetreatments also changed the structureof bacterial population with somespecies absent or present in compari-son with the control. In the organic soil,there appeared to be more not closelyrelated bacterial populations than thecontrol soil. It also favored the growthand reproduction of some dominantspecies. Such results might be due tothe fact that organic soil had improvedsoil quality, and high organic mattercontent and humus, which provided afavorable condition for the growth ofmicroorganisms. Treatments with fun-gal inoculation caused the increase ofbacterial species; among them weresome new species. Some specieswere disappeared in those treatmentsand the abundance of some universalbacteria was increased. Suggestedfrom the previous reports, such varia-tion might be related to the interactionsof arhusclar mycorrhiza on host plantsfor plant growth and disease resis-tance, e.g. the increase and abun-dance of some effective microorgan-isms[11,13,24,25,27,28], the decrease and ab-senceofsomepathogenicbacteria[15-20].Judged from the similarity analysis, itwas concluded that the soil type hadmore influence on the diversity of rhi-zosphere microbiota than G.M inocu-lation, and the control soil with G.M in-oculation had stronger effect on the di-versity variation than the organic soil.Some consistent changes in microbialpopulations occurred for both types ofsoil after G.M fungi inoculation and thesimilarity of soil microbiota of two soiltypes was increased.Comprehensively, from theDGGE analysis on the rhizospheremicrobiota diversity in soils from differ-ent treatments, the bacterial diversityand population structure was affectedby organic soil cultivation andarhusclar mycorrhiza fungi inoculationwith some bacterial species were in-creased or decreased or their abun-dance changed. Further studies werestill needed to clarify the specific bac-terial species significantly influencedand their effects on crop yield. Suchstudies would be helpful in the de-velopment and utilization of some1025AgriculturalScienceTechnologyAgricultural Science Technology Vol.13, No.5, 20122012Responsible editor Ze LIU Responsible proofreader Xiaoyan WUnovel microbial agents and microbialfertilizers.References[1] ZELLES L. Fatty acid patterns of phos-pholipids and lipopolysaccharides in thecharacterisation of microbial communi-ties in soil a review [J]. Biology andFertility of Soils, 1999, 29 111-129.[2] TORSVIK V. Microbial diversity and fun-ctioninsoilfromgenestoecosystems[J].Curr Opin Microbiol, 2002, 5 240-245.[3] NAKATSU CH. Soil microbial communi-ty analysis using denaturing gradientgel electrophoresis[J]. 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