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pnbsp;收稿日期 1995-09-18 nbsp;修回日期 1996-02-05 j ’3 nbsp;Z4 nbsp; 51 西北农业大学园艺系 陕西杨陵 712100, 2 府谷县农业局, 3 咸阳秦都园艺站, 4 神木蚕桑园艺站, 5 榆林农科所K 1 对陕北和关中地区日光温室温度变化和热量状况的对比观测试验结果表明, 陕北地区日光温室的最高气温、 平均气温和10 cm 土温分别比关中高 9.9~ 10 ℃、 1.8~ 2.3 ℃和 1.0~ 1.3 ℃, 是理想的发展区域。日光温室夜间失热的主要途径为贯流放热, 失热量占总热量76以上;其次是土壤横向传热, 失热量占总热量12.5~ 13.2, 换气放热失热量最少, 占总热量 5.6~ 10.7。加强夜间草帘覆盖和挖防寒沟是保温的主要方法。1oM 日光温室;温度;热量状态 8C ; i0 .3hm 2,Œ „ ‚], ; i  s v,y7 5 „‹9‚]。3€[ 3 R V T  ; i k, „12‚] / ; i  M,s  ; i  l f ƒ,[ † ‹; i4• IG nbsp;。1 nbsp;材料与方法[ „12 u3˜ i kV1,’ ]v,4 Ÿ 。 iamp;shy; oY ,Wamp;shy;3 cmP 。V1 ˜ ; iTable 1 Structure and standards of typicalgreenhouse温室代号Codename跨度mSpan长度mLength墙体厚度mThicknessof wall后墙高度mHeight of rear wall前坡长mLengthof ahead slope后坡长mLengthof rear slopeA 6.9 50.0 1 .0 1.8 5.9 2.6B 8.0 42.6 1 .0 1.4 8.3 2.5C 7.3 42.0 0 .9 2.1 7.5 1.4注 NoteA.府谷县日光温室Solar greenhousein Fugu county; nbsp; nbsp;B.咸阳渭滨乡日光温室 Solargreenhousein Weibin Xianyang;C.咸阳沣西乡郭村日光温室 Solar greenhousein GuocunFengxi Xianyang以下各表及图例同 Theseweresamein thefollowing tablesand figures„19  3 HqGQsY3849′~ 3902′„3424′; M v H ”2 898.7 h„2 179.4 h;12 ~/ M2z v H ”208.5~ 207.3 h„151.4 h , vs q69.3 ~ 70„48.7 ; Kv;v nbsp;1 b , Q r ›˜_. ,Q  b ,••-{ Kl。sV , b 3F†s{ i amp;shy; gt; gt; 8 。V  A,A˜ i tl, -  , bWv,  l ,。7B˜„C˜ i tV7 m , - gt;7.5 m ,W1YVi -  , [,9  , i  。 nbsp;N,3€  ; i t‚RV7 m , l - ,F C gt;B, A˜ i tl, -  , 8 , [, 6 y,W† , i 。C˜ i t„ -  B˜l,W  nbsp;, iB˜ i。 „gM] p。yN, y/ ; i† t7 m[ ,3.0 mP。3.3  i gt; 1o i  l sV , ; i  l 1 L i r ›  •  ,1 b ,]9 gt; 76[ , i - ]9 b 90P。 [,F nbsp;o。yp i‹]e, 39;r . 。 b  5’5 f ƒ, z g ,]]i ,39; V|ƒ†s gt; †žKl。• ID1 nbsp;陈瑞生,郑海山,张建国等.日光温室气象环境综合研究三.农业工程学报,1992 ,8478 ~ 822 nbsp;李良晨.保护地设施内热湿状态的计算方法.西北农业大学学报,1991,19425 ~ 313 nbsp;李良晨.不加温温室和塑料大棚内外温度的相互关系.西北农业大学学报,1992 ,20123 ~ 294 nbsp;北京农业大学主编.保护地蔬菜栽培学.北京农业出版社,1980Analyse onVariationsof Temperature andQuantity ofHeat inSolarGreenhouseZouZhirong1, LiJianming1, WangNaibiao2,LiuYunxing3, LiHaigang4andLiHulin51 Dept.of Horticulture, Northw estern Agricultural University, 2 Fugu, Agricultural Office, 3 Xianyang, Qindu S tation of Horticulture,4 Shenmu, Sericulture Horiticulture Station, 5 Yulin Institute of Agricultural SciencesAbstract By means of comparative experimentation, this paper was intented to research the variations oftemperature and quantity of heat on greenhouse in Shaanbei and Guanzhong stations.I t showed that the maxi-mum of tem perature , average temperature and 10cm ground temperature in Shaanbei greenhouse w as greaterthan that of Guanzhong .It is an ideal region of developing greenhouse .The m ajor way of lossing heat at nightis through around structure w hich accounts for 76 of all lossing heat .The second w ay is crossw ise lossing heatby soil w hich accounts for 12.5~ 13.2 of all lossing heat.The final way is chink lossing heat w hich ac-counts for 5.6~ 10.7 of all lossing heat.Therefore , covering grassy marshland at night and digging coldpreventive ditch are major w ays of heat preservation .Keywords Solar greenhouse ;Temperature ;Quantity of heat60  nbsp;j lt;   nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;6 /p


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