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土 壤 Soils, 2016, 485 863–867 [ “SE1 – S ] M S[ “ 41501523aS Sr › ™ L i 7b [5[ “SEPR2014-08„ i g -9 B [ “ cstc2015jcyjA2002b * YT€ T€e 1982 3 } p V1V Yr › ™›b E-mail DOI 10.13758/ki.tr.2016.05.004 我国设施农业农膜使用的环境问题刍议① 1, 2 1Œ1 ‹2*, 11  i g S i 401147 2 S Sr › ™ L i 2r ›  2 210008 K 1 j  P„ / Œ‹F y S jT’  b 6 TV  2 u˜ v  6 v’ V J†s  Vr 0.79 7.30 mg/kg ]v’ 2 3b ’ ’„ X’9c    I T DEHP ir 4.3 mg/kg x J KK i DEHP1.5 mg/kg[26]bS 2Z u t j v’ _ 6 5e Kc  Vr 11.2 mg/kg ’„’“K[28]b j  P— db YV J o 8 3 .r B„B[26]b 2 j “ -S j › g  j  R v ” j  ™ P“0.002 0.006 mm b j  l5  4 Œ l‚r † j ‹ l Œ S ŒC 5  S j6 S , }H ,  . S „—  ™] e/ Œ [J]. jl ,  , ,  . jB —   [J]. r ›g  , 19915 27–30 [17]  , k ,  € ,  . ˜ u j —  ™ ˜ [J]. j S , 2005, 241 79–83 [18] 8 , o ,   .   jT •Y [J]. j , 2008, 2411 172–175 [19] }H . S j   l ŸŸ[D].  S j S , 2014 [20] He L Z, Gielen G, Bolan N S, et al. Contamination and remediation of phthalic acid esters in agricultural soils in China A review[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 352 519–534 [21] Wang J, Luo Y M, Teng Y, et al. Soil contamination by phthalate esters in Chinese intensive vegetable production systems with different modes of use of plastic film[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2013, 180 265–273 [22] a , g , Ÿq ,  . Sr ›  2 Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China Abstract Mulch film is one of important production materials for intensive cultivation agriculture. China has annual consumption of 200 million tons of mulch film at present, covering the land over 2 000 hectares. The mulch film application shows an increasing trend in China. The use of mulch film in intensive cultivation agriculture has accelerated agricultural modernization in China and increased the supply of agricultural products, but the continuous use of mulch film led to great mulch film residues in fields. Mulch film residues not only caused the “visual and landscape pollution”, but also affected the quality of agricultural products, agro-ecological and environmental security and posed a huge threat to human health. This paper summarized the major environmental problems caused by the use of mulch film in intensive agriculture, and analyzed the reasons for these problems. To be aimed at the use and management status of mulch film in intensive agriculture, some suggestions were proposed in management, policy, economic and technical aspects to regulate the use of mulch film in intensive agriculture and improve agricultural environmental management efficiency. This review will provide a theoretical basis for healthy and sustainable development of intensive agriculture. Key words Intensive agriculture system; Soil environment; Mulch film pollution; Environmental management; Countermeasures


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