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开窗-支臂系统KliMax Ventilation mechanism.pdf

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开窗-支臂系统KliMax Ventilation mechanism.pdf

‘Next generation cultivation’ already s part of many cultivation strategies. It stands for optimal production with lower energy use. Its most important elements are Moisture control under the screen Longer use of the screen more often Better handling of CO as there is less natural ventilation The accuracy of the ventilation is an essential component of this. The StabiMax vent-opening system from Van der Valk Horti Systems prevents poorly shutting vents and produces extremely even ventilation slits, making it the ideal combination for climate security together with the Valk-Plus ventilation mechanism that will last for the life of your greenhouse. Click Locking Pin Fast and reliable mounting on the ventQuicker mountingReliable in use, ‘click’ is xedNo damage from loose push rodsStrong, given the choice of stainless steel Climate guarantee Optimal greenhouse climate for the life of the greenhouse Better climate controlExtremely uni ventilation slitsPerfect seal of closed ventsHigher CO dosage, large energy savingsEminently suitable for ‘Next Generation Cultivation’ Accuracy Clever design The StabiMax hinge elements hold the Valk-Plus push rods in an iron grip The design allows the push rods to be mounted so they can’t rotate The broad tube clamp absorbs tolerances of 28 mm without difcultyPrevents gear rack wear StabiMax Ventilation mechanism Click Locking PinWHY VAN DER VALK HORTI SYSTEMS The only company in the world specialising exclusively in the development and production of ventilation mechanisms and screen systems Engineering and production are both in house Innovative systems with distinctive benets for growers Quick and reliable deliveries due to our modern machinery and large stocks Technical, commercial and project support provided by enthusiastic staff Quick and efcient mounting using unique, well designed and high-quality components System supplier since 1963 Van der Valk Horti Systems BV, Zwartendijk 73, 2681 LP Monster, The Netherlands, T 31 0174 21 22 23, F 31 0174 24 27 27, infovalksystemen.nl DEVELOPER AND PRODUCER OF VENTILATION MECHANISMS AND SCREEN SYSTEMS V01-2016 CONTACT VAN DER VALK HORTI SYSTEMS OR YOUR GREENHOUSE BUILDER / INSTALLER FOR MORE INATION.A reinforced lip can withstand stronger forces.The lips are bent with the greatest precision to exactly the angle needed for your vent-opening mechanism.A unique article code speeds up mounting and makes reordering easier.Clever condensation holes prevent accumulation of moisture and frost damage. ValkScreenVision KliMax Strong brand names of Van der Valk Horti Systems StabiMax XLDriveLine GreenTop ValkTriplePlus Around the world, over 2 million have been installed Around 3000 ha of horticultural greenhouses already use the StabiMax ventilation system. StabiMax precision is a vision Valk-Plus ventilation mechanism The StabiMax vent-opening system works optimally in combination with the Valk-Plus ventilation mechanism, which is made to t your conditions exactly in an automated production process.


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