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LIGHT GAINS A 30 COMPACTER SCREEN PACKAGE Van der Valk Systemen introduces the SunMax concept. A revolutionary combination of new technology which allows you, the grower, to take a great stride forward in the search for more light. This technology makes the screen package 30 smaller. The SunMax concept has been extensively examined by the University of Wageningen and Plant Research International. WHAT IS THE SUNMAX CONCEPT Normally, screens are mounted against the greenhouse frame. To make this package as small as possible, Van der Valk Systemen originally developed the CLIP20-screen profile only 2 cm wide. The SunMax concept also uses the narrow CLIP20 screen pro- file. It is mounted lower down, however, so most of the screen can be folded up in the framework. By also lowering the push- pull tube of the ventilation mechanism by 30, the whole unit becomes compacter and thus even ‘lighter’. VAN DER VALK SYSTEMEN COMPANY ON THE MOVE The durability of greenhouses mainly relies on the components that slide, clamp, push, pull and turn. After all, these are the components that ensure that your greenhouse keeps moving. This is why all moving components from Van der Valk Systemen have at least one thing in common each and every one of them is of the highest possible quality. It’s not for nothing that for years now Van der Valk Systemen has been the market leader in the field of vent opening systems and materials for screening installations for the greenhouse industry and it’s also been the source of the most important innovations for just as long. Van der Valk Systemen developed a modified screen profile lowered CLIP20-screen profile and a modernised rail mechanism for the SunMax concept. In addition, a new truss clamp suitable for two screens on one wire bed and a modernised plastic wire guide block prevents wire wear and tear were developed for the SunMax concept. In addition, the widely used KLI-MAX Compact slip system was adjusted to match the new situation. For the best possible result, the SunMax concept requires relatively small adjustments to the greenhouse structure. In total, then, the SunMax concept is a comprehensive collection of new advances that together produce a revolutionary breakthrough. A 30 smaller screen package can definitely be called that. Ask your greenhouse builder or installer for more ination or a copy of the complete examination report. The SunMax conceptRevolutionary new technology for screening and ventilation mechanism30 compacter screen package 30 lowered push-pull tubeExamined by the University of Wageningen and Plant Research International The SunMax concept as a whole, as well as all associated modernised technology is patented. ‘er’ situation New situation V02-2013 Van der Valk Systemen BV, Zwartendijk 73, 2681 LP Monster, The Netherlands, tel. 31 0174 21 22 23, fax 31 0174 24 27 27, www.valksystemen.nl, infovalksystemen.nl. DEVELOPER AND PRODUCER OF VENTILATION AND SCREENING SYSTEMS FOR GREENHOUSES. CONTACT VAN DER VALK SYSTEMEN OR YOUR GREENHOUSE BUILDER/INSTALLER FOR MORE INATION. Patented


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