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屋面-双层玻璃型材Leaflet 2SaveEnergy EN V4_Webversie.pdf

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屋面-双层玻璃型材Leaflet 2SaveEnergy EN V4_Webversie.pdf

All-purpose cavity covering for all types of Venlo greenhousesMore production with 50 lower energy consumptionAlready 3 years worth of convincing test resultsPayback time 5 yearsAvailable to all greenhouse builders and growersDownload the convincing test report2saveenergy.nl/downloads2SaveEnergy the new boon to energy-efficient growers2SaveEnergyis a new, practical and economical solution for energy-efficient growers.This all-purpose greenhouse covering contains an outer layer of transparent glass with a double anti-reflective coating and an under layer of extremely durable, diffuse F-CLEAN film. In between there is a cavity that can be ventilated. This combination has similar insulation properties as multi-coated double glazing, but in a at that is lighter and easier to use. Above all, it allows the same amount of light through as a standard single-pane covering, which is unable to scatter light.2SaveEnergyhas been developed by a consortium of expert suppliers in collaboration with research institute Wageningen University Research Glastuinbouw. The combined expertise and capacity for innovation has resulted in 2SaveEnergy, the first greenhouse covering that combines a high insulation value and light transmission with an affordable price.2SaveEnergymeansHigh insulation high light transmission haze light, affordable constructionExample 1 ventilation window closed Example 2 ventilation window 2 cm ajar Example 3 ventilation window open warm air flows back into the greenhouse, greenhouse covering remains free of snow and ice insulation cavity with stagnant airnaturally ventilating cavityventilator with warm greenhouse airCavity coveringThe high insulation value of the covering is largely thanks to the cavity 5cm between the glass and the F CLEANfilm. This special diffuse film is very durable and maintains its anti-condensation properties for at least ten years. The advantage of ventilationAn exceptional feature of 2SaveEnergyis the active greenhouse air cavity ventilation. This is desirable to keep the covering free of ice and snow in the winter. To ensure optimum ventilation, the ducts have openings to the cavity and small ventilators can be connected to them. Light transmission and energy saving2014-2017WUR Glastuinbouw has investigated and calculated numerous aspects of this revolutionary green-house covering. This research found that it was possible to achieve hemispherical transmission of 80.7 and vertical transmission of more than 90.6 for a glass/film combination, which is comparable with a standard covering. Preliminary results of the practical test- Dimensions of the greenhouse span size 4.8m, section size 5m and post height 6m- Covering system 2SaveEnergywith clear glass with double AR and diffuse F-Clean- Screen system double Luxous 1347 FR cavity screenTomatoes 2015- Variety Cappricia middle-size cluster- Year-long energy use approx. 16m/m goal was 19m/m- Year-long production approx. 65kg/m goal was 63kg/mCucumbers 2016- Variety Hi-Jack- Year-long energy use approx. 17,5m/m- Year-long production approx. 110kg/m 260 cucumbersTomatoes 2017Start new research project ‘A strong crop with little gas’.- Variety Cappricia - Goal exceptional further reduction in energy consumption.Practical testFrom the beginning of 2015 intensive testing was done with a year-long practical test in the demonstration greenhouse 500 m in the grounds of Wageningen UR in Bleiswijk. This has confirmed that the theoretical values can be easily achieved in practice. The final report by Frank Kempkes of WUR Glastuinbouw containing the results of the practical test, can be downloaded from the www.2savenergy.nl website.Demonstration greenhouseThree years worth of practical experience with 2SaveEnergy in the demonstration greenhouse housed on the WUR Greenhouse Horticulture business unit grounds in Bleiswijk have already been documented. In 2015 tomatoes were grown there yearround cultivation, not illuminated and cucumber in 2016 high-wire cultivation according to the principles of ‘Next Generation Cultivation’. The results confirmed that the theoretical values can be easily achieved in practice. The test results are given on the preceding page.2SaveEnergy has been developed by a consortium of leading suppliers in collaboration with WUR Greenhouse Horticulture business unit. The partners are VDH Plastic Greenhouses B.V. Van der Valk Horti Systems B.V. BOAL Systems AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd.This project was realised with support provided by the ‘Greenhouse as source of energy’ programme, the innovative action programme of LTO Glaskracht Nederland Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture, and the Ministry of Economic A For more ination, go to www.2saveenergy.nl or contact


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